The Brownie Bet
I don't know who wants to know what this brownie bet Erik and I have is all about. In any case, I feel like writing about it, because it DOES make for some good laughs.
I'll describe this as best I can, though Erik may have a few comments of his own on the subject. In a nutshell, the bet is based on a difference in theories about marriage and quirks. Erik believes that even when God puts 2 people together in marriage, there will still be times when their quirks get on each other's nerves so much that they'll (proverbially) want to hit each other. I believe that when God puts 2 people together, when it was HIS doing, and not their own, that their quirks will mesh in such a way that neither will have any real reason to be that angry. This doesn't mean that I think such people are perfect. It means that I think they'll be just-right-for-each-other. Quirks include more than habits, they also include personalities.
I'll further explain my theory. For example, I'm obviousely a messy person who doesn't take well to critisism, and who's a germaphobe. Weird combo, I know. Well, I think God will put me with someone who simply loves cleaning, being neat, etc., who has a kind, fun, and decent disposition, who's personality invites me to join him in cleaning, and who's furthest thought from his mind would be to say criticle things to me about my messiness. In fact, he'll be someone who I'll WANT to clean up for! It won't be out of guilt, or out of thinking he needs my help. It will be out of wanting to do something nice for him, out of Love for him. He'll also be someone who, like me, doesn't eat food right off the floor :) See how those quirks work together? Where's the anger in that?
Here's the bet: I told Erik that if I ever get so angry with my husband that I really would, for real, want to hit him, then I'll bake Erik a brownie. That was the original bet. At the time, I took Erik seriousely when he said that I'd want to hit (or was it strangle?) my husband. So, my bet was based on how I took his comment. Since then, the bet has morphed into the following: If, after 1 year of marriage, I proverbially want to strangle my husband, I'll bake Erik a batch of home-made, recipe-based, real (not vegan or low-fat) brownies. The terms of this bet have not been refined between Erik and I passed that. I'll post my more detailed terms here:
1) The "after 1 year of marriage" rule still applies.
2) I have to glare (seriousely, out of frustration) at my husband.
3) The batch of brownies will be made as stated above, and will be a whole batch.
4) Erik will be invited over to my and my husband's place to share them with us, though I won't be able to eat them since they won't be vegan. I'll make my own brownies on the side. I'm not likely to bring the brownies to Erik.
5) Erik can't laugh at me, unless he makes me laugh at someone other than me first.
6) Erik has to bring his own ice-cream if he wants any.
7) No, after 40 years, Erik does NOT get a car or anything else other than brownies! And that applies before 40 years too :p
8) Erik's brownies are just for him, unless my hubby hates vegan and loves regular brownies. Then they'll have to share :D Same goes for the ice cream. Erik and his wife will have to decide for themselves what she gets to have :D The kids can all have what they want, 1 serving a piece, no more. Same for any friends who get invited over.
9) My husband, poor thing, is just going to have to swallow this bet, 'cause it stands even if he doesn't like it :p ;) Hmm... I wonder what lesson this'll teach the kids??? Anger = brownies??? Heh - oh well, that's better than anger = hitting for real.
10) If I really feel remorseful (and only if), I just might add some of my famous brownie toppings :D
Ok. Now, why did I just go into all that if I'm SO confident that God won't let me get that mad at my husband, 'cause I'll have no reason to? Well, Spiritually, I'm Married to God. And it's not like I've never gotten mad at Him, even though I'm in Love with Him. And He's Perfect! So, well, I kinda suspect this is a bet I'll lose, but you know, it'll be fun losing it ;) I Love brownies, I Love making them, and I Love all the people involved in this bet (accounted for and not), so it's really a win-win situation :D
So, here are some awsome brownie recipes, just to whet dear Erik's pallet :D
I'll describe this as best I can, though Erik may have a few comments of his own on the subject. In a nutshell, the bet is based on a difference in theories about marriage and quirks. Erik believes that even when God puts 2 people together in marriage, there will still be times when their quirks get on each other's nerves so much that they'll (proverbially) want to hit each other. I believe that when God puts 2 people together, when it was HIS doing, and not their own, that their quirks will mesh in such a way that neither will have any real reason to be that angry. This doesn't mean that I think such people are perfect. It means that I think they'll be just-right-for-each-other. Quirks include more than habits, they also include personalities.
I'll further explain my theory. For example, I'm obviousely a messy person who doesn't take well to critisism, and who's a germaphobe. Weird combo, I know. Well, I think God will put me with someone who simply loves cleaning, being neat, etc., who has a kind, fun, and decent disposition, who's personality invites me to join him in cleaning, and who's furthest thought from his mind would be to say criticle things to me about my messiness. In fact, he'll be someone who I'll WANT to clean up for! It won't be out of guilt, or out of thinking he needs my help. It will be out of wanting to do something nice for him, out of Love for him. He'll also be someone who, like me, doesn't eat food right off the floor :) See how those quirks work together? Where's the anger in that?
Here's the bet: I told Erik that if I ever get so angry with my husband that I really would, for real, want to hit him, then I'll bake Erik a brownie. That was the original bet. At the time, I took Erik seriousely when he said that I'd want to hit (or was it strangle?) my husband. So, my bet was based on how I took his comment. Since then, the bet has morphed into the following: If, after 1 year of marriage, I proverbially want to strangle my husband, I'll bake Erik a batch of home-made, recipe-based, real (not vegan or low-fat) brownies. The terms of this bet have not been refined between Erik and I passed that. I'll post my more detailed terms here:
1) The "after 1 year of marriage" rule still applies.
2) I have to glare (seriousely, out of frustration) at my husband.
3) The batch of brownies will be made as stated above, and will be a whole batch.
4) Erik will be invited over to my and my husband's place to share them with us, though I won't be able to eat them since they won't be vegan. I'll make my own brownies on the side. I'm not likely to bring the brownies to Erik.
5) Erik can't laugh at me, unless he makes me laugh at someone other than me first.
6) Erik has to bring his own ice-cream if he wants any.
7) No, after 40 years, Erik does NOT get a car or anything else other than brownies! And that applies before 40 years too :p
8) Erik's brownies are just for him, unless my hubby hates vegan and loves regular brownies. Then they'll have to share :D Same goes for the ice cream. Erik and his wife will have to decide for themselves what she gets to have :D The kids can all have what they want, 1 serving a piece, no more. Same for any friends who get invited over.
9) My husband, poor thing, is just going to have to swallow this bet, 'cause it stands even if he doesn't like it :p ;) Hmm... I wonder what lesson this'll teach the kids??? Anger = brownies??? Heh - oh well, that's better than anger = hitting for real.
10) If I really feel remorseful (and only if), I just might add some of my famous brownie toppings :D
Ok. Now, why did I just go into all that if I'm SO confident that God won't let me get that mad at my husband, 'cause I'll have no reason to? Well, Spiritually, I'm Married to God. And it's not like I've never gotten mad at Him, even though I'm in Love with Him. And He's Perfect! So, well, I kinda suspect this is a bet I'll lose, but you know, it'll be fun losing it ;) I Love brownies, I Love making them, and I Love all the people involved in this bet (accounted for and not), so it's really a win-win situation :D
So, here are some awsome brownie recipes, just to whet dear Erik's pallet :D
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