The Rock is Love: Ishshah (Woman of God)

It's not easy being a Woman...

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Never Judge a Woman by Her CoverGirl

Ok, folks... GET THIS!!!!!!!!! God Married a Fat Woman ;) (Nope - those pics aren't PhotoShopped (except 1 where I removed a zit and smoothed some compression errors). That's just the wacko way MSN is showing my pics. I guess it's using the "stretch" feature or something. Ik. I hate that.)

Now, on to my reaction to I guess really I just have a question for all the men of God who read this blog:

If God gave you the choice between two women, both of whom had great personalities, knowledge of your interests, lives of their own, etc... But one had a "media-perfect" body and the other looked like anything but "media-perfect", and He told you that either one was alright with Him for you to Love, which would it be and why?


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