The Trouble with Purity ;)
Heh - I just can't help commenting on this week's "Wife Swap." I'm writing this as I watch the show, so please bear that in mind...
One wife is from a "good Christian" family where they have so many rules about perfection, rules, and purity that most "good SDAs" would weep in adoration. Her family even wears uniforms in order to be sure they are all modest, etc. The other mom... She's from the inner city, spends hours a week on her makeup alone, spends many hours dancing with her 16 year old daughter in night club type environments, and has no rules of any kind at home for her kids. She's a "diva" according to the other mom. The comment the homely wife's son made about purity and modest clothing really got me to thinking. What IS IT about sex that we Christians are so afraid of, and WHY on the world do we focus on the outward appearance as being some kind of driving force behind sex? Because the world has told us that this is the way it is: look like a slut, get treated like one.
But I beg, from a Godly perspective, to differ. Sex ought to be the outward expression of what's already going on in the heart, and the heart only speaks a LOVE language. I'm willing to bank that even if the homely son falsl into LUST with the "skanky" wife because of her drop-dead GORDIOUS body, face, and hair, it will only be a superficial fling with his eyes and his plumbing... His HEART will have nothing to do with it, other than the major guilt trips he'll experience because of all the negative messages he's recieved all his life about being attracted to beautiful women who are married, or who at any rate, he's not married to. But he won't LOVE her -- unless he falls for the heart that beats within her.
So, right now, my question is this: why don't we teach our boys to look at the hearts of the women in their lives, to treat those hearts with love and respect at the same time, etc? Why do we teach our boys to be so hyperfocussed on what a woman looks like, whether she's dressed like a hoar, an average working woman, or a prissy little girl? And why do we teach our girls to be so afraid to show off what God gave them without fear of our boys misusing them? If our boys were trained to look at the heart first and formost, our girls would have nothing to fear in being truly the beauties that they are, at least when around our boys. Obviousely, the men of the world will treat a slut as if she were a slut, and our girls will save themselves a lot of abuse by not dressing too beautifully when going into town, but seriousely - our girls shouldn't have to be afraid to be who they really are, inside and out, when they are only being exposed to our boys. Our boys should be better trained.
Yes, this is lofty thinking on some part. But it's also something to take into consideration for parents and educators in our SDA system.
I'm watching the second segment of the show, and so far, the smutty wife is wearing normal farm clothes, and other than the fact that she's obviousely not fat, you can't really tell that she has boobs - her shirt is just too baggy for that. She's nice, kind, yet smart. The kids are not worldly at all, yet the daughter wants to have fun. The homely mom is having to live a very worldly life, and well, I think that like it or not, she's going to have fun -- what's that? A smile? Hehe ;) I think it's great that she gets a vacation from the normal farm life she lives, and I think it's something she'll miss when she gets back home.
Hehe - the smutty wife's husband does all the work!!! I LOVE IT ;) Uh, oh, the homely wife just sinned by going clubbing! It's not like she participated and had any fun or anything. But, she must repent for hanging out with the sinners, of course... Never mind that this is what JESUS did every day, and never mind that dancing in it's self does NOT make one a sinner. I don't like saying this, but um, she reminds me of my mom. Would I go to a club? If I knew they had virgin (non-alchoholic) drinks (I love virgin strawberry dackories, sp), and if I were already married, I would go with my husband. I wouldn't go as a single woman though, as I'd be tempted to let guys hit on me if I weren't married and with him and so forth, and I do have a problem with dancing like a slut for the public to see. I don't have a problem with having fun dancing with my husband - I just wouldn't do belly dancing types of dancing.
Hmm. Ok, the swapped wives are going to change the rules in their new homes. This should be interesting. Hehe - lammas for the smutty wife's kids, and no lammas for the homely wife's kids. That should be interesting. The smutty wife's dog is going to get trained, and the homely wife's husband has to cook the smutty wife a romantic dinner... That's a bit rediculous. The thing with making the smutty wife's kids dress every day like their going to church and then MAKING them go to church!!! I'm totally against that for the sake of freedom of concience, as well as what I said above about outward appearances. The homely wife's daughter is finally going to be VALIDATED as a girl (instead of just a no-gender farm worker who's main purpose is to work) by being taken into a big city and being pampered! Yay!!! Hmm - I need to do that one day when I have the mula for it ;) I think I'll learn a LOT from that trip - I need to pay close attention to it.
Yikes! The homely wife sprayed the kids in the face at dawn to wake them up for farm duty!!! That's so inappropriate - what's next, pepper spray as a punishment??? She is forcing labor on them, and she thinks their having fun, but they aren't. Perhaps they ought to cry to prove that to her. Now she's yelling at the kids who don't want to do forced labor??? Um, that's CHILD ABUSE!!!!!!!!!! She's immature, and needs to take a STEP BACK and calm down. And she needs to give them an INCENTIVE (like feeling like part of the family) to do the work. Some allowance wouldn't hurt these city kids either. They need the mon to have the fun ;) Oh, now it's time for church, eh? Folks, this part's so funny and sad at the same time -- I hope you are just watching it for yourselves - it's too rediculous to comment on. Bad idea, that's all I know. An angry Christian who couldn't force their religion onto others is a bad example of Godliness, that's all I want to say now that the segment's over.
Man, why does that poor homely boy think that good looking clothes aren't for him? What about those clothes makes him impure? They don't change the way HE looks - they are just different threads. I noticed that he doesn't have teen girls clamouring all over him... Perhaps because he's stuck out in hicksville on a farm that's 10 miles or something away from the nearest road? The girls can't even see him, outwardly OR inwardly. What does his "good work" of "modesty" prove, anyway? Shouldn't who he is inside be what counts? Shouldn't THAT be his focus, between inward and outward looks?
I've just decided something - my kids are going to wear what they want.
Um, this church youth group thing is a BAD idea. These kids don't even know what the gospel is, nor Salvation, and certainly NOT grace, from a Christian perspective. Until a PERSON knows about those things, making them sing and dance about it is FRUITLESS and EMPTY. Worldly dancing is preferable to THAT! At least worldly dancing has a real PURPOSE for those who participate.
Ok, the homely daughter is getting pampered. I LOVE IT and so does she ;) ;) ;) The smutty wife's husband is sitting back and doing nothing (ugh - I'd never want to be married to a non-participating man). You know, I think I've already decided - I like the smutty mom and can't stand the homely one. They both love their families, but love expressed inapropriately by being a massive control freak, as I've learned in the past, isn't real love at all. In fact, it's the most self-centered and self-focussed kind ever, because it "vaunteth onesself." It holds ones self up as the standard. God doesn't want us to do that to anyone.
I'm gonna just sit back and watch the rest of the show now :D
One wife is from a "good Christian" family where they have so many rules about perfection, rules, and purity that most "good SDAs" would weep in adoration. Her family even wears uniforms in order to be sure they are all modest, etc. The other mom... She's from the inner city, spends hours a week on her makeup alone, spends many hours dancing with her 16 year old daughter in night club type environments, and has no rules of any kind at home for her kids. She's a "diva" according to the other mom. The comment the homely wife's son made about purity and modest clothing really got me to thinking. What IS IT about sex that we Christians are so afraid of, and WHY on the world do we focus on the outward appearance as being some kind of driving force behind sex? Because the world has told us that this is the way it is: look like a slut, get treated like one.
But I beg, from a Godly perspective, to differ. Sex ought to be the outward expression of what's already going on in the heart, and the heart only speaks a LOVE language. I'm willing to bank that even if the homely son falsl into LUST with the "skanky" wife because of her drop-dead GORDIOUS body, face, and hair, it will only be a superficial fling with his eyes and his plumbing... His HEART will have nothing to do with it, other than the major guilt trips he'll experience because of all the negative messages he's recieved all his life about being attracted to beautiful women who are married, or who at any rate, he's not married to. But he won't LOVE her -- unless he falls for the heart that beats within her.
So, right now, my question is this: why don't we teach our boys to look at the hearts of the women in their lives, to treat those hearts with love and respect at the same time, etc? Why do we teach our boys to be so hyperfocussed on what a woman looks like, whether she's dressed like a hoar, an average working woman, or a prissy little girl? And why do we teach our girls to be so afraid to show off what God gave them without fear of our boys misusing them? If our boys were trained to look at the heart first and formost, our girls would have nothing to fear in being truly the beauties that they are, at least when around our boys. Obviousely, the men of the world will treat a slut as if she were a slut, and our girls will save themselves a lot of abuse by not dressing too beautifully when going into town, but seriousely - our girls shouldn't have to be afraid to be who they really are, inside and out, when they are only being exposed to our boys. Our boys should be better trained.
Yes, this is lofty thinking on some part. But it's also something to take into consideration for parents and educators in our SDA system.
I'm watching the second segment of the show, and so far, the smutty wife is wearing normal farm clothes, and other than the fact that she's obviousely not fat, you can't really tell that she has boobs - her shirt is just too baggy for that. She's nice, kind, yet smart. The kids are not worldly at all, yet the daughter wants to have fun. The homely mom is having to live a very worldly life, and well, I think that like it or not, she's going to have fun -- what's that? A smile? Hehe ;) I think it's great that she gets a vacation from the normal farm life she lives, and I think it's something she'll miss when she gets back home.
Hehe - the smutty wife's husband does all the work!!! I LOVE IT ;) Uh, oh, the homely wife just sinned by going clubbing! It's not like she participated and had any fun or anything. But, she must repent for hanging out with the sinners, of course... Never mind that this is what JESUS did every day, and never mind that dancing in it's self does NOT make one a sinner. I don't like saying this, but um, she reminds me of my mom. Would I go to a club? If I knew they had virgin (non-alchoholic) drinks (I love virgin strawberry dackories, sp), and if I were already married, I would go with my husband. I wouldn't go as a single woman though, as I'd be tempted to let guys hit on me if I weren't married and with him and so forth, and I do have a problem with dancing like a slut for the public to see. I don't have a problem with having fun dancing with my husband - I just wouldn't do belly dancing types of dancing.
Hmm. Ok, the swapped wives are going to change the rules in their new homes. This should be interesting. Hehe - lammas for the smutty wife's kids, and no lammas for the homely wife's kids. That should be interesting. The smutty wife's dog is going to get trained, and the homely wife's husband has to cook the smutty wife a romantic dinner... That's a bit rediculous. The thing with making the smutty wife's kids dress every day like their going to church and then MAKING them go to church!!! I'm totally against that for the sake of freedom of concience, as well as what I said above about outward appearances. The homely wife's daughter is finally going to be VALIDATED as a girl (instead of just a no-gender farm worker who's main purpose is to work) by being taken into a big city and being pampered! Yay!!! Hmm - I need to do that one day when I have the mula for it ;) I think I'll learn a LOT from that trip - I need to pay close attention to it.
Yikes! The homely wife sprayed the kids in the face at dawn to wake them up for farm duty!!! That's so inappropriate - what's next, pepper spray as a punishment??? She is forcing labor on them, and she thinks their having fun, but they aren't. Perhaps they ought to cry to prove that to her. Now she's yelling at the kids who don't want to do forced labor??? Um, that's CHILD ABUSE!!!!!!!!!! She's immature, and needs to take a STEP BACK and calm down. And she needs to give them an INCENTIVE (like feeling like part of the family) to do the work. Some allowance wouldn't hurt these city kids either. They need the mon to have the fun ;) Oh, now it's time for church, eh? Folks, this part's so funny and sad at the same time -- I hope you are just watching it for yourselves - it's too rediculous to comment on. Bad idea, that's all I know. An angry Christian who couldn't force their religion onto others is a bad example of Godliness, that's all I want to say now that the segment's over.
Man, why does that poor homely boy think that good looking clothes aren't for him? What about those clothes makes him impure? They don't change the way HE looks - they are just different threads. I noticed that he doesn't have teen girls clamouring all over him... Perhaps because he's stuck out in hicksville on a farm that's 10 miles or something away from the nearest road? The girls can't even see him, outwardly OR inwardly. What does his "good work" of "modesty" prove, anyway? Shouldn't who he is inside be what counts? Shouldn't THAT be his focus, between inward and outward looks?
I've just decided something - my kids are going to wear what they want.
Um, this church youth group thing is a BAD idea. These kids don't even know what the gospel is, nor Salvation, and certainly NOT grace, from a Christian perspective. Until a PERSON knows about those things, making them sing and dance about it is FRUITLESS and EMPTY. Worldly dancing is preferable to THAT! At least worldly dancing has a real PURPOSE for those who participate.
Ok, the homely daughter is getting pampered. I LOVE IT and so does she ;) ;) ;) The smutty wife's husband is sitting back and doing nothing (ugh - I'd never want to be married to a non-participating man). You know, I think I've already decided - I like the smutty mom and can't stand the homely one. They both love their families, but love expressed inapropriately by being a massive control freak, as I've learned in the past, isn't real love at all. In fact, it's the most self-centered and self-focussed kind ever, because it "vaunteth onesself." It holds ones self up as the standard. God doesn't want us to do that to anyone.
I'm gonna just sit back and watch the rest of the show now :D
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